As Rust knows most of you, it is a Sandbox survival game published on steam and proving itself with more than 100,000 positive reviews so far. In our site, we have already given pvp servers of this kind of games which can be played online without steam . Now we are giving you a version of Rust that works properly and can be played online. Whether you want to play alone with your friends or even if you have not bought the game will be able to play fully.
If we talk about the content of the game is born completely naked, and the first thing we try to survive by making tools and clothes. There is also a lot to worry about as the game's simulation side outweighs. You need to do a lot of things to prevent hunger, thirst and cold. The best way is to build a shelter and hunt animals to eat meat. Protect yourself and move together with other players, if possible, with your friends, creating alliances.
  • Operating System: Windows 7 and above (64-bit only)
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory:  8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0 supported
  • Size: 6.25 GB

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